od mala milujem hrady a zámky. keď sa ocitnem v ich interiéri, mám pocit, že tam patrím. pripadám si tam ako ryba vo vode. a to isté sa mi stane aj na ich nádvorí, v zámockej záhrade a taktiež v parku. ako áno a či nie, vnútorne som akoby v dobových šatách a zrazu je mi krásne, pohodovo, priam sa nadnášam akoby dávnym príbehom. nesmierne si to užívam. najradšej by som tam ostala navždy.
I've loved castles and palaces since I was little.
when I find myself in their interiors I have a strong sense of belonging.
there I feel like fish in water.
and the same thing happens in their courtyards, gardens and parks.
inner me is wearing period dress and all of a sudden I feel wonderful, carefree and so light as in bygone tale.
I tremendously enjoy myself there.
I'd rather stay there forever.
